Welcome to the Useless Software Archive
This site contains software packages for old operating systems like MSDOS, Windows 3.x and Windows 95. These files are here for your own use and are believed to be either freeware or shareware. Please read the documentation with each package to determine so and send the author of the software lots of money. Not me. No guarantees about anything here. No support either.
Most popular downloads this week
Bank Book for Windows v1.3
Win3 Data Collection, Storage, and Retrieval Utility
Windows Terminal combined with DSZ
ZIPINF - ZIP File Info Visual Basic Custom Control
Mr. Edit: Yet Another Windows Editor
WinASCII: Ascii File Viewer
VTSocket - Windows Socket Control for Visual Basic and Visual C++
Even Several More Sound (.SND) Files
The Family Edge - Professional Genealogy Software
Table Numbering Macro (RichText Format)